Sunday, September 6, 2009

My visit to the Botanical Gardens

I took a trip today to the Botanical Gardens with my friends Alan, and Jen. It was a great trip and we got some great pictures. We looked like a bunch of migrant photographers roaming through there, with all of our cameras, tripods, bags, and whatnot. The pictures will follow.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Banana Spider

Gargoyle on my front porch

First posting

Might as well get this blog started!
I recently jumped in to photography due to some other hobby interests. Alan, a good friend of mine, has been helping me along the way and has been giving me some of the basics of good photography. Earlier this year, Alan and his lovely wife Jen, gave me the camera in the previous posting, and very recently, a book on digital photography. I have been reading the book, and trying out some shot techniques listed in the book, as well as trying some shots on my own.
I am still a bit confused about ISO, Aperture, and F-stop, but I am sure as time progress that I will get this down.

This blog is a place for me to share the pictures I have taken of things that make me happy, are beautiful, caught my attention, or all of the above. I hope to look at my latter posts and see a progression of skill when compare to more recent postings. I look forward to any constructive feedback. Telling my pictures are crap, is not constructive. Telling me that they can be improved by doing X, is.

My Camera

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